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Frequently Asked Questions - Scholarships


1) Scholarships offered during university admission

a) ÖSYS Admission Scholarship

b) Placement Ranking Scholarship

c) International Student Scholarship

d) Lateral Transfer Scholarship

e) ***International Diploma/ Certificate/ Exam Scholarships

f) ***Scholar Scholarship

2) Additional Scholarships

a) Academic Merit Scholarship

b) ***Family Scholarship

c) Sportsman Scholarship

d) Dedicated scholarships awarded by persons and institutions

***Students who will apply for these scholarships should apply by sending the relevant documents to address. Students who are entitled to receive the scholarship as a result of the evaluations made by the scholarship commission will be able to pay their fees with scholarship during registration.

Click for detailed information about the scholarships.

This type of scholarship is to be awarded to students who have the following diploma/ international graduation exam results and meet the specified scores among those who are placed in the university through ÖSYS or who transfer from another higher education institution with an ÖSYS score.

International Baccalaureate-IB Scholarship

French Baccalaureate Scholarship

AP (Advanced Placement) Scholarship

BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) Scholarship

GCE (General Certificate of Education) Scholarship

Students who will apply for these scholarships should apply by sending the relevant documents to address. Students who are entitled to receive the scholarship as a result of the evaluations made by the scholarship commission will be able to pay their fees with scholarship during registration.

It is valid for students who registered with YKS score.

Yes, you can be simultaneously awarded multiple scholarships those offered during university admission. You can choose the highest one if you have been entitled to receive more than two additional scholarships. Tuition fee based scholarships (including ÖSYS Admission Scholarship) cannot exceed a total of 100%.

No, scholarships do not require a payback.

Scholarships with tuition fees are valid for the credit limits determined by the University Senate at the beginning of the semester. Students taking courses above these limits are liable to pay additional fees regardless of their scholarship status.

The amount you have to pay is calculated according to the scholarship rate you receive, and it is deducted from the fee you will pay in the next semester.

Yes, our registered students can benefit from the additional scholarships specified in the TED University Undergraduate Scholarship Regulations provided that they have met the conditions.

Special students are not eligible for scholarship.

All students (including scholarship students) who want to attend summer school must pay the tuition fee to be determined by the Board of Trustees during registration.

No, scholarships cannot be exchanged with another type of scholarship.

It is valid for students who registered with YKS score.

An additional scholarship of 5% of the program tuition will be awarded to students who graduated from TED Colleges and were admitted to our university with the 2024 YKS exam, valid for the maximum scholarship period.

Yes, you may get a scholarship also from other institutions if you wish. In that case, the scholarship you receive from TED University is not cancelled.

1) Admission scholarships: Maximum period of scholarship is six years for students who have started in the English Language School and five years for students who have started directly in their undergraduate programs.

2) Additional scholarships: Additional scholarships are valid for one year. For the family-only scholarship, students re-apply each year, those who provide to conditions continue the scholarship is longer than one year.

A student who takes a semester leave is assumed to have used the scholarship period; however, in case of a force majeure, the University Administrative Board will determine whether the leave duration is counted into the scholarship period.

It is valid for students who registered with YKS score.

The scholarships of the students who transfer within the institution and between the institutions among those students who were placed in the university with ÖSYS are to be determined according to the scholarship rates corresponding to the ÖSYS score of the target program for the year they had registered for the University.

Scholarships can be cancelled in cases stated in the Article 18 of TED University Undergraduate Scholarship Regulations. Click here for the Scholarship Directive.

Students who have previously graduated from an undergraduate program are entitled to the newly acquired rights.

Students who are registered at TEDU on scholarship/self-paid status and who are placed in a different program via ÖSYS again are entitled to their newly acquired rights.